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Amanda DeAnn Photography

Amy Steuhrenberg

Be inspired to find the passion within while enjoying the beauty of our world captured in magnificent backgrounds.  Amy continues to capture memories for all life occasions in Central Indiana.  Connect with Amanda DeAnn Photography for all your photography needs.

sunset pier.jpg

Katie Lennox

Video Editor/Videography

Katie Lennox is a graduate of Purdue University, and is a video editor/videographer with an impressive background working with local, regional and national companies.  Katie has captured the essence of inspiring and motivating learners by creating professional and real-life footage in several videos to enliven the journey to one's  passion.


Goats Gone Grazing Acres, LLC

A local business in Fredonia, Kentucy, USA

Goats are one of the most loved and jovial barnyard animals.  The growing interest in and love for goats is clearly evident across the land, as they are increasingly featured in commercials, movies, even fitness programs. Farmer Jess's passion for her herd is skillfully portrayed through photography, memes, and videos, which captures the lives, antics, and trust gained from these amazing animals. I'm honored to showcase some of these beautiful goats in my work to bring a smile or even laughter, to inspire learners across the globe.

Thorntown Public Library

Thorntown, Indiana

Thank you to the director and staff for a warm and inviting afternoon while videotaping scenes for the website/blog.
Acknowledgements: Meet The Team
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