Inspiring Learners:
Find and Live Your Passion
The purpose of this website/blog is simple:
To create an oasis of peace, motivation and inspiration. From blogs written from a personal and academic perspective to the Journey through Creative Arts,  Dr. Linda's innovative strategy to help learners de-stress from daily roles and responsibilities takes only moments each day to help re-awaken creativity and build the steps towards finding and living one's passion.
A message from Dr. Linda
Living my passion has created a sense of fulfillment in my life.
I want to share how you, too, can find and live your passion.
Too often, getting bogged down with ongoing roles and responsibilities in life clouds our passions. I believe you must bring your whole self to the table if you want to thrive in today’s world: your personality, your sense of humor, and most importantly, your heart.  All of these elements brought me to develop this website/blog to help inspire learners to find their passion.  I invite you to browse the website/blog, and explore what excites and interests you as you build the journey towards finding and living your passion.
Dr. Linda by her 1957 Ford Fairlane
Dr. Linda by her 1957 Ford Fairlane
Who is Dr. Linda?
The Story Behind Inspiring Learners
Dr. Linda Marcuccilli began her nursing career in 1985 and has significant experience as a clinical nurse in the acute care setting. She completed a BSN and MS in healthcare leadership and nursing education, a post-master’s certificate in gerontology, a PhD in nursing and a post-doctoral fellowship.
Dr. Linda has a strong interest in palliative and end-of-life care and developed a program of research for adults with heart failure using life-sustaining technologies, including their family caregivers. She has published her research in several peer-reviewed journals, presented her research at local, regional and national conferences, and is a reviewer for several research journals.
Currently, Dr. Linda teaches nursing students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, and continues to impart her philosophy of teaching from an inspirational and motivational perspective. The website/blog is a culmination of novel strategies developed by Dr. Linda for inspiring learners to find and live their passion.
Dr. Linda lives with her husband on a mini-farm in the rural central Midwest and raises Nigerian dwarf goats.